Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mwah ha ha!

I found a place to move to! It's only for two months but that gives me lots of time to look for a REAL new place, so awesome. It belongs to one of my regulars, he's going back to Montana for a couple of months. And even awesome-er, his company pays his rent, so it's free. And he has a Wii!

He also has an extremely sexy roommate... I have feeling he'll be coming up so lets call him Hot Teacher (HT). Yes I'm aware that's kind of an oxymoron, anyone in service industry will tell you we HATE teachers. But he is hot. So moving in prob not good, but the only other option I had on short notice were The Ex and My Fake Boyf - worse. HT hits on me all the time, tells me what an asshole he is when it comes to the ladeezzz, and macks on every single woman who ever walks into my bar. He's a jerk. I am so totally going to bang him it's ridiculous. Sure to end in tears..

It's nuts to me how boy crazy this whole blog has become! That's not at all who I think of myself as. But like I said, I lost a shitload of weight - I weigh less now than I did when I was twelve - so I've never dealt with this level of interest before. It's a novelty, I'm sure I'll get used to it. It sucks in a way, a lot of my girlfriends have moved home over last year or so, the climate not as friendly towards illegal Irish as it used to be. I used to make girlfriends in a snap, but it seems they're more receptive to the fat chick than the skinny top heavy one. I have guy friends, but there's always that undercurrent of sexual interest (it runs both ways, don't get me wrong. I think it takes at least two years to go away. Two of my best mates guys, and we have NO interest in each other - but in the early days whoever was drunkest would always hit on the other one). But there are certain things - like painfully large, um, endowments - i won't talk to a guy friend about. We can be explicit and whatever, but I'm not giving anyone a flipping inferiority complex.

Anyhow. That's me for today. Dude, I am so looking forward to moving. I didn't even realise how uneasy the last few months of silent animosity from the crazy roommate were making me. Now the prospect of one that I can watch a goddamn movie with, or share a bottle of crappy wine, or even just not feel so uncomfortable that I leave the house whenever they're home - I can't wait.


Ha Ha Sound said...

Congrats on the move. That's awesome. Word of advice, though: now that you have a roommate you get along with, don't sleep with him. You'll be right back where you started, in terms of your level of comfortability.

So, when's the INS-scamming wedding going to happen? I'm free on Friday (ha). =+)

sugartits said...

I know. But I'm like an Amish kid on that free year they get (Rumspringa? Too lazy to google) - drunk with freedom and absent common sense.

Thanks, by the way. You rock.